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books.sztuka.net - Romanticism, Taschen
Norbert Wolf Ingo F. Walther
wydanie 1, 2007
język angielski
stron 96
format 185x230 mm
okładka miękka
ISBN 9783822853108
kategoria: historia sztuki
cena brutto:42.00 PLN
przedmiot dostępny
Opis: In a revolt against Rationalism, Romanticism was characterized by a return to nature and belief in the goodness of humanity, with the artist considered to be a profoundly individual creator. Beginning in the early 19th century, Romantic ideals developed largely in opposition to entrenchment in the traditions of Greco-Roman antiquity, and advocated an open-ended and progressive - that is, modern - view of the age. Yet Romantic artists, searching perhaps for unattainable ideals, also turned back to the late medieval and Renaissance periods for nostalgic themes from the Judeo-Christian heritage; with the aid of these themes, they believed that a politically and intellectually enlightened utopia could be achieved. Romantic styles and subjects varied widely throughout Europe and America, ranging from tranquil contemplative scenes to spectacularly staged events, and it is precisely this diversity that lends Romantic art its fascination and lasting influence.

Artists featured among others: Albert Bierstadt, George Bingham, William Blake, Carl Gustave Carus, Frederic Edwin Church, Thomas Cole, John Constable, Peter von Cornelius, Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot, Eugène Delacroix, Carl Philipp Fohr, Caspar David Friedrich, Henry Fuseli, François Gérard, Théodore Géricault, Francisco José de Goya, Antoine-Jean Gros, Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres, Friedrich Overbeck, Franz Pforr, Pierre-Paul Prud`hon, Ludwig Richter, Carl Rottmann, Philipp Otto Runge, Karl Friedrich Schinkel, Carl Spitzweg, William Turner.
O autorze:
Norbert Wolf gratuated in art history, linguistics and medieval studies at the universities of Regensburg and Munich, and earned his PhD in 1983. He held visiting professorships in Marburg, Frankfurt, Leipzig, Düsseldorf, Nuremberg-Erlangen, and Innsbruck. His extensive writings on art history include many TASCHEN titles, such as Diego Velázquez, Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, Caspar David Friedrich, Expressionism, Romanesque, Landscape Painting and Symbolism.
O drugim autorze:
Ingo F. Walther (1940-2007) was born in Berlin and studied medieval studies, literature, and art history in Frankfurt am Main and Munich. He has published numerous books on the art of the Middle Ages and of the 19th and 20th centuries. Walther's many titles for TASCHEN include Picasso, Art of the 20th Century, and Codices Illustres.
Inne tytuły tego autora:
- Landscape Painting
- Expressionism
- Holbein
- Impressionism
- Friedrich
- Giotto
- Greek Art
- Islamic Art
- Kirchner
- Symbolism
- Romanesque
Czas realizacji zamówienia
1 dzień roboczy
Formy i koszty wysyłki
wpłata na kontopobraniegotówka
przesyłka ekonomiczna 10.00 PLN 12.00 PLN PLN
przesyłka priorytetowa 12.00 PLN 14.00 PLN PLN
odbiór osobisty 0.00 PLN 0.00 PLN PLN
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