- książki
- Architecture Materials: Wood
Wood is organic, it is regarded as warm, as making human surroundings cosy. In a ...
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- Architecture Now! 7
TASCHEN's Architecture Now! 7 features an arching overview of today's architectu ...
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- Architektura dzisiaj 5
Piąta edycja serii ARCHITECTURE NOW! dokumentuje prace najbardziej awangardowych ...
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- Architektura dzisiaj 6
W szóstej części ARCHITECTURE NOW! przedstawiono budynki rożnej wielkości. Od ma ...
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- Architektura i budownictwo w Poznaniu w latach 1780-1880
Całościowa i wszechstronna prezentacja XIX-wiecznej architektury Poznania, w ram ...
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- Atlas architektury Poznania
Atlas adresowany jest zarówno do osób zawodowo zajmujących się architekturą, jak ...
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- Breuer
In 1956, Time magazine called him one of the form-givers of the 20th century: wi ...
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- Candela
The focus of this monograph on Spanish-born Félix Candela (1919–1997) is on mode ...
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- Case Study Houses
The Case Study House program (1945-1966) was an exceptional, innovative, and uni ...
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- Egypt. From Prehistory to the Romans
The architecture of the pharaohs represents some of the most impressive creative ...
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- Fantasy Worlds
One day, Ferdinand Cheval, a French postman, came across a stone at Hauterives n ...
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- Frey
In 1930, when Albert Frey (1903-1998) came to the US from his native Switzerland ...
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- Hoffmann
The influence of the Austrian architect and designer Josef Hoffmann (1870-1956) ...
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- Hundertwasser
Friedrich Stowasser, born in Vienna in 1928, calls himself Friedensreich Hundert ...
Znaleziono 37 produktów.