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books.sztuka.net - Expressionism, Taschen
Norbert Wolf
wydanie 1, 2004
język angielski
stron 96
format 185x230 mm
okładka miękka
ISBN 978-3-8228-2126-8
kategoria: historia sztuki
cena brutto:42.00 PLN
przedmiot dostępny
Opis: During the first two decades of the 20th century, many artists famously experimented with nonrepresentational expression. Taking cues from ideas hinted as by artists such as El Greco, Goya, Van Gogh, and Munch, Expressionists sought to transform reality rather than depict it in any sort of literal fashion. Egon Schiele, Max Beckmann, Paul Klee, and Wassily Kandinsky are among Expressionism's most famous exponents.

Featured artists include: Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, Erich Heckel, Karl Schmidt-Rottluff, Max Pechstein, Otto Mueller, Emil Nolde, Wassily Kandinsky, Franz Marc, August Macke, Paul Klee, Alexej Jawlensky, Gabriele Münter, Marianne von Werefkin, Heinrich Campendonk, Lyonel Feininger, Arnold Schönberg, Oskar Kokoschka, Egon Schiele, Paula Modersohn-Becker, Christian Rohlfs, Ludwig Meidner, Lovis Corinth, Ernst Barlach, Wilhelm Lehmbruck, Max Beckmann, Otto Dix, and George Grosz.
O autorze:
Norbert Wolf gratuated in art history, linguistics and medieval studies at the universities of Regensburg and Munich, and earned his PhD in 1983. He held visiting professorships in Marburg, Frankfurt, Leipzig, Düsseldorf, Nuremberg-Erlangen, and Innsbruck. His extensive writings on art history include many TASCHEN titles, such as Diego Velázquez, Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, Caspar David Friedrich, Expressionism, Romanesque, Landscape Painting and Symbolism.
Inne tytuły tego autora:
- Landscape Painting
- Holbein
- Impressionism
- Friedrich
- Giotto
- Greek Art
- Islamic Art
- Kirchner
- Symbolism
- Romanesque
- Romanticism
Czas realizacji zamówienia
1 dzień roboczy
Formy i koszty wysyłki
wpłata na kontopobraniegotówka
przesyłka ekonomiczna 10.00 PLN 12.00 PLN PLN
przesyłka priorytetowa 12.00 PLN 14.00 PLN PLN
odbiór osobisty 0.00 PLN 0.00 PLN PLN
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