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books.sztuka.net - Balthus, Taschen
Gilles Neret
wydanie 1, 2003
język angielski
stron 96
format 185x230 mm
okładka miękka
ISBN 83-89192-80-2
kategoria: malarstwo
cena brutto:42.00 PLN
przedmiot dostępny
Opis: French-German painter Count Balthasar Klossowski de Rola (1908-2001), known as Balthus, shocked the Parisian art world in 1934 with his dreamy, sensual, Neo-Classical portraits of nymphets at a time when Surrealism and abstraction were de rigueur. As a provocateur, Balthus was often scorned; as an artist, he was widely embraced as a prodigy. In response to critics of his realist style, Balthus said: The real isn't what you think you see. One can be a realist of the unreal and a figurative painter of the invisible. His erotic, poetic paintings live on as examples of the best figurative work of the modern era.
Inne tytuły tego autora:
- Balthus
Czas realizacji zamówienia
1 dzień roboczy
Formy i koszty wysyłki
wpłata na kontopobraniegotówka
przesyłka ekonomiczna 10.00 PLN 12.00 PLN PLN
przesyłka priorytetowa 12.00 PLN 14.00 PLN PLN
odbiór osobisty 0.00 PLN 0.00 PLN PLN
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